Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Everett Carson struggled to keep up with his own ideas as he pecked away at his old fashioned typewriter. After 30 minutes of furious typing, Everett reached a lull in his ideas heaved a heavy sigh. He had written a full five pages of his new courtroom thriller. A retired lawyer, Everett had few activities to fill his abundance of free time. As Everett leaned back in his chair, he lit a cigar, and took a celebratory puff.
After a few moments of relaxation, Everett sat up and pulled on his Wallabees. He stood up, tightened his suspenders, and headed for the door. Leaving the apartment building, he noticed Mr. Wok picking up his mail.
"Afternoon, Mr. Wok," said Everett, smiling.
"Ah, hello Everett. See you at the card game this week?" replied Mr. Wok through his thick accent.
Everett nodded in reply and headed out the door and onto the sidewalk. As he reached the pharmacy the bell rang and a young woman looked up from the counter and smiled.
Everett smiled in return as he headed straight for the greeting cards and bought the first one he picked up: one with a kitten wearing a sombrero. Hope your Birthday is one big Fiesta! read the inside of the card.
"Ok, good enough," muttered Everett to himself.
After he paid for the card and stamp, he addressed it to Belinda Carson in Arizona and dropped it in the mailbox just outside the pharmacy. On his way back to his apartment, he caught a glimpse of himself in the window of the All-American tattoo parlor. He almost didn't recognize himself. The once subtle lines and wrinkles around his eyes and mouth were now prominent. He quickly looked away, put his hands in his pockets, and headed back towards his apartment building.


Hobie said...

You've done a very good job of "showing, not telling" about your character - we know he's a writer, we know he's an older grentleman, we have a good grasp of his personality (the way he dresses, the fact he smokes a cigar) and we understand some of his frustrations (inability to create, the fact he is growing older.) We know he's relatively popular (he attends a regular tenet card game) and the mystery of "Balinda Carson" is very intruiging. I almost wish we knew more about her - I wouldn't want to be the one who had to invent her as a character, since it's your story, not mine. But if you want to give someone else that power, that's your call. I'd like to hear more about what his living space looks like. In future episodes, I'd like to know more about what he is writing, what his social life is like and where he comes from.

Great story, Casey :)

ellenn said...

Like hobie, I am left wanting to know more about Belinda...But that is what is so fascinating! I'm excited to hear more from him...and I am excited to interact with him.